April 13, Montréal – Conservative Party leadership candidate Jean Charest announced that all his campaign entry fees have been paid in full and that he has officially confirmed his place on the ballot.
“I’m proud to have achieved this milestone less than five weeks after my campaign launched. In this short period of time, we’ve raised over one million dollars, I’ve travelled to six provinces, held dozens of in person events, met with thousands of Canadians, pledged tens of thousands of Conservative Party members, signed up 1,500 volunteers and 400 full time ground organizers, and doubled the amount of Conservative party members in Quebec and we are just getting started,” explained Charest.
“I am hearing the same thing across the country: Canadians have had enough of slogans, soundbites and poor judgement. Only a sound and credible alternative can beat the NDP-Trudeau Government, and I am that candidate” concluded Jean Charest.
This week, Jean Charest has been meeting with members in Kingston, Belleville and Peterborough and will continue to engage with party activists as heads to Toronto and the GTA next week.
All our press releases can be find here.
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Contact :
Laurence Tôth
Press Secretary
581 305-4501